How can I stay updated about any changes or announcements related to the conference?2023-08-29T23:43:54-04:00

You can stay updated by regularly visiting our conference website and by following Instagram channel, where we will share any news and updates. We will also send out an email newsletter with important announcements.

Will conference materials and presentations be available after the event?2023-08-29T23:42:15-04:00

Yes, the PowerPoint slides for all 10 lessons and a helpful Digital Marketing Planner are available only to VIP Ticket holders. 

Is there a dress code for the conference?2023-08-29T23:40:38-04:00

The dress code is usually business casual. However, feel free to dress as comfortable as you’d like!

Is the conference suitable for beginners in digital marketing?2023-08-29T23:39:37-04:00

Absolutely! The conference is designed to cater to all levels of expertise, from beginners looking to build a strong foundation to experienced marketers aiming to stay updated with the latest advancements.

Will there be networking opportunities?2023-08-29T23:38:50-04:00

Absolutely! There will be networking opportunities during breaks and interactive activities where you can connect with fellow attendees and speakers.

Can I get a refund if I am unable to attend?2023-12-19T14:14:37-05:00

If you are unable to attend, you will get a ticket to attend the next event. You can also transfer your ticket to a friend that may want to join!

How can I register for the conference?2023-12-19T14:14:13-05:00

You can easily register for the conference here!

When and where is the digital marketing conference taking place?2023-08-29T23:31:31-04:00

The conference is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, October 18-19, 2023 from 8:30-12:30AM in Southgate Community Center, located at 3145 Southgate Circle, Sarasota, FL 34239.

What topics will be covered during the conference?2023-08-29T23:31:08-04:00

We’ll dive into a wide range of digital marketing subjects including SEO, social media, content strategy, email marketing, ads, video storytelling and more. You will leave with pages of notes and a whole lot of inspiration to take action!

How much are tickets?2023-08-29T23:33:46-04:00

1 day tickets – $99
2-day – $149
VIP – $199 (Includes PowerPoint slides + Digital Marketing Planner)

Is the conference suitable for beginners in digital marketing?2023-08-03T23:43:39-04:00

Absolutely! We have sessions tailored for all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

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